2015 Titans Under 20's Player in Focus

Hail Sezer

Hey guys,

I'm going to be interviewing various members of the Under 20's squad on an irregular basis (although hopefully weekly-fortnightly depending on availability), so that we can get a better understanding of some players in our junior system and future NRL players. These lads don't get the exposure they deserve IMO, although I must commend the Titans website on their initiative with 20's related media this year.

I'm going to let you guys come up with the questions. Comment in this thread with any general questions you would like to be answered (and yes you may direct these at a particular player if you so chose to). I'll do my best to conduct a decent interview with the players and I'll post a new topic each time one is done. I know the Titans website did a similar one last year but I think that we could rack up some much more juicy questions.

So fire away!

inb4 Titan Pete asks Daniel Schwass why he is such a peasant
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