Movies and TV

Must admit though, I rarely go to the cinema since the advent of torrents :)

The only movies I haven't watched via the T in the last few years are Hobbits because it's a must see on the big screen & Wolf Creek 2 because Aussie movies are hard to get when the movies are so new
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I got my hopes up when I saw Optimus as a Generation 1 truck. They had better not ruin Grimlock (Dinobot)

Interested to see how much of Hong Kong is featured.
Finally got around to seeing Gladiator today. It only took 13-14 years..

Makes me wonder whether Princey's little ritual that he used to do at the beginning of a game on the left hand side half way line. Was actually derived from the movie or not. In the movie Maximus rubs dirt within his hands before going into each battle/fight..
Finally got around to seeing Gladiator today. It only took 13-14 years..

Makes me wonder whether Princey's little ritual that he used to do at the beginning of a game on the left hand side half way line. Was actually derived from the movie or not. In the movie Maximus rubs dirt within his hands before going into each battle/fight..

True, I dunno. Could be!

But it took you that long to see it?! What else havent you seen?

KANO was good, Im a baseball fan but it did run a whopping THREE HOURS!!
Hmm.. I'll check it out, Brad.

Last week I also seen King Kong, the 1976 version for the first time as well. That only took me 38 years to get around to it. :p
Hmm.. I'll check it out, Brad.

Last week I also seen King Kong, the 1976 version for the first time as well. That only took me 38 years to get around to it. :p

KANO probably isnt for non baseball lovers, there is alot of baseball action.

Headed to the cinema tonight, not sure what to see.
38 years?! Not bad eh!

For some reason, I just cannot sit still while watching a movie... I usually have the urge to do something... maybe I just have a lack of focus it seems. Mmmkay, 90 minutes maximum, but that's about it.

So Diehard, what did you see? ;)
Ended up not going cause of really bad storms here in HK.

Ended up watching Hunger Games: Catching Fire and thought it sucked big time. I thought it was very uneven and poorly executed.

I also can't stand Jennifer Lawrence's acting.
Going to the movies tonight, hoping to see this tonight.

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im taking the little one to see 'how to train your dragon 2' tomorrow.

i really loved the first one.

The first one was fantastic. I hope this one lives up to it.

I didnt see Edge of Tomorrow, there was a 5pm session and a 10pm session lol. Saw the new XMEN instead, it was pretty good.
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